Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Obama, Liberal Media and Loss of First Amendment Rights

America has dropped to a new low.  I never dreamed that I would see this in my lifetime.  Unfortunately, Yahoo!, like the rest of the liberal media, has taken to blocking dissenting voices from posting comments on their news feeds. I guess it shouldn’t surprise me … The far left “wingnuts” don't want to listen to opposing views either. Yahoo has begun blocking conservative comments with the Presidential election cycle. Anyone in the Republican Party who steadfastly writes in opposition to the Obama Administration has found themselves blocked from posting. Yahoo is not alone though in editing out conservative thinking.
In April 2012, Obama circumvented the Congress and released $1.5 billion is U.S. foreign aid to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt ( This is the same group that swore Islamic Jihad against the United States in October 2010, and has never retracted any of the fatwas. None of the major networks covered this story. They wrote instead about the deaths of Mike Wallace, Thomas Kinkade, and the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin story in Florida. These were all noteworthy stories, but are they of the same magnitude as the President using an Executive Order to skirt the review of the Congress?  Especially during a time of worldwide terrorism?  Obama shocked more than Saudi Arabia when he played a key role in the US turning their back on a loyal US ally in the Middle East in the person of Hosni Mubarak, and then watched as the government was taken over by Mohammed Morsi who was the Muslim Brotherhood candidate. Now, as I write this, Morsi is in Tehran, Iran attending the conference of Non-Aligned Nations, and he has revoked the Egyptian Supreme Court Order that ruled the stacking of the Egyptian Parliament with Muslim Brotherhood representatives was illegal. To any thinking person, you have to ask … which side is President Obama supporting? Certainly by throwing Mubarak under the bus our other allies in the region know that Obama will show no loyalty to them either. His relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu has been notoriously icy. Obama has weakened our position and influence in a vital part of the world. Egypt moving towards an Islamic regime could signal a major power shift in the region, and the major networks chose to ignore it. Liberal bias.  Providing Obama cover for his foolish acts, and trusting that too many Americans are too lazy to research the news for themselves.
On the other hand, I am a disabled veteran. I defended the First Amendment rights that the liberal media and Obama are now flaunting ...  The very freedom of expression they are trying to keep people from expressing. It is wrong. That is what is wrong about the entire political environment in Washington DC right now, and I am talking about more than President Obama and the Democrats. People are unable to have a reasonable dialogue anymore. There is no room for disagreement or compromise. That's why nothing gets done in the Congress. Both Democrats and Republicans are at fault in this regard. We need to get back to a place where we can express differing viewpoints without being demonized (or blocked!) by the opposing side. The time has come to throw the door open and hear from more than just the major parties. When there is movement to control who can speak, and on what topics and when they can speak ... then the cure is more freedom of the press, and not less.  Our forefathers knew that a free press was the only way that our society could avoid widespread abuse and despotism.
                  Robust political rhetoric has always had a place in our democracy. By shutting down research into his background, and getting media outlets to block dissenting voices Obama is manipulating the media to further his own re-election. What has happened to transparency?  What is going to happen to First Amendment rights in a potential second term when this restriction of freedoms is what Obama is doing now?  It's a scary thought.

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